When the first Mennonites arrived at Chortitza in 1789, they landed in the immediate vicinity of Fortress Alexandrovsk, today Zaporizhzhia.
March 23, 1788: The first organized Mennonite group to leave
Danzig for Russia was led by land scout Jakob Höppner; they were advised to
leave on smaller ships docked near the village of Bohnsack to avoid attention,
and not from Danzig itself (note 1).
After a short early-morning farewell near the Lutheran
parish church in Bohnsack on Easter morning, Höppner family plus seven others
totaling fifty individuals embarked on their journey to Russia (note 2).
Because official permission for visas was granted only with
pressure from St. Petersburg, the first groups of families—much smaller than
originally expected, “mostly people without property such as milkmen,
carpenters and labourers”—prepared to leave quietly in March 1788. But
membership in this group too was not automatic with a visa; for example,
“Arendt Fast and Jakob Willms … were left behind because they enjoyed drink
more than work” (note 3).
Another 221 families would leave later in the year, and they
too were “all poor folk searching for a better lot in life,” according to the
first brief history of the Russian Mennonite colony of Chortitza, by Heinrich
Heese (note 4).
Sixteen-year-old Jacob Breyel Jr. of Neumünsterberg was a
member of the first group of seventy. He travelled together with the Höppner
family and would later marry Höppner’s niece Anna. Like Höppner, his father was
a hawker of small goods; years later after unsuccessful farming he is listed as
one of the community’s first teachers in 1811 (note 5). Breyel’s uncle and
family—eight members in total—were also among this first group. His parents
would come later. The journey was recorded in detail by Peter Hildebrand, a
single young man who was raised Lutheran, travelled with the Höppner family and
later married into the Höppner clan as well (note 6).
The first travel day brought the group to the freshwater
port of Stutthof. Here they loaded their belongings from wagons onto sleds and
on the next day crossed the river on ice which, due to the warm weather, had
become thin. Rain hampered their progress the second day and they were forced
to spend the night under open sky. Soon the Höppner group could embark on a
ship to Riga, reaching their initial destination five weeks and three-hundred
miles later.
They stayed one month at Düna just outside of Riga before plodding another six weeks along muddy roads to Dubrovna—an estate of Potemkin—by caravan, arriving on June 24, 1788 (note 7).
It was not until the next spring (1789) after a hard winter, that the new immigrants could finally leave the Potemkin estate at Dubrovna for the “promised land” near Berislav.
Most in the group travelled by barge from Kremenchug as far as Ekaterinoslav (later named Dnepropetrovsk) and met those travelling with wagons at Chortitza in July 1789.
Here they first set up camp around a huge oak tree three
kilometres west of the river. They spent the second winter at Alexandrovsk and
then gradually moved out to set up villages.
The fortress was founded in 1770 and became one of the
settlements that gave rise to Zaporizhzhia (note 8).
Notably some “obstinate” Mennonites lived in the fortress
for the first winter—and some were also imprisoned here the next year for the
same bad attitude. Here is the story:
On their journey to New Russia in Summer 1789 Mennonites received the bad news at Kremenchug: Gregory Potemkin, Tsarina Catherine’s vice-regent and administrator of New Russia, informed Deputy Jacob Höppner that because of new hostilities with the Turkish Ottoman Empire he had decided it was too dangerous for the Mennonites to settle on the agreed lands on the lower Dnieper River near Berislav.
Instead, the Mennonites would have to settle on land situated across from the recently established frontier Fortress Alexandrovsk on the east side of the river, plus a small strip of land on the east side of the Dnieper for the Frisian village of Schönwiese (immediately bordering Alexandrovsk on the little Mokraja River) as well as the Island of Chortitza.
(The island had been a major Cossack army headquarters [Sech]
on the Dnieper River from the 16th century to the 18th century; it was situated
across from the recently established frontier Fortress Alexandrovsk; see note 9).
The settlers objected vehemently—but unsuccessfully—to their
new lot. The hilly lands around the Island of Chortitza and on the west side of
the river were much dryer and less fertile than the land for which they had
originally negotiated, and without meadows or many trees.
Upon arrival at Fortress Alexandrovsk—with no real
options—many began to build though there was hardly any lumber available. The
first earthen huts (Semljanken; note 10) were constructed where the Chortitza
River enters the Dnieper, and where the villages of Chortitza and Neuendorf
would later arise. Höppner and Bartsch built homes of wood the Island of
A significant group, however, was “infected with the
delusion that the land was useless, and that better land should be sought,”
according to an early teacher Heinrich Heese (note 11). When Winter arrived
these people had no shelter and had to be housed in Fortress Alexandrovsk for
their first winter, 1779/80. Throughout the winter they were quite certain they
would be granted the better land.
Yet when Spring arrived, Alexandrovsk’s Commander Schwarz
simply ordered these Mennonites out of the fortress to settle new villages
around Chortitza (note 12). Some still resisted, and those “troublemakers
landed in jail until they came to their senses,” according to Heese.
Because of lack of wood and ill-will, some settlers lived in earthen huts in the first four years and many died of dysentery—normally caused by poverty as well as lack of good hygiene and clean drinking water—“a pitiable report that I could not read without tears,” land agent and recruiter for Russia Georg Trappe wrote (note 13).
The original Mennonite settlers did not plan to
settle in compact villages, but on individual plots of land as was the style in
That plan changed because of the lack of an adequate survey,
the fear of attacks by Cossacks, and thefts by roaming bandits.
In the first years of settlement, two older military men
stationed on Chortitza Island to protect the crown tree plantation were called
upon when six masked robbers from Alexandrovsk sacked land scout Jacob
Höppner’s large house, bound everyone, and almost killed Höppner—one attempt
with a knife, and the second with a rifle—in their attempt to extort monies.
Another Mennonite rushed to the crime scene on horseback, armed with “rifle and
sword” (note 14)!
This robbery only occurred after “discontented settlers [!]”
told merchants in Alexandrovsk that Höppner had received money from the Crown
but refused to distribute it.
Sometime later government authorities provided Chortitza
Mennonites with Cossak guards under the command of the German-trained Count
Kyrylo Rozumovsky, the last Hetmann of the Zaporizhian Host the Cossacks and a
Field Marshall in the Russian Army (note 15).
However the Cossaks robbed as much as they protected, in
Mennonite memory, and in one story Höppner’s associate used a long plank to hit
one of the robbing Cossaks off his horse.
In the first years the 346 settler families lost an astonishing 545 horses and 704 cattle through theft (note 16).
Fast-forward to 1819: Quaker visitors noted that parents in Schönwiese—adjacent to the now "city" of Alexandrovsk—were anxious about the temptations that it presented for their children. Indeed, over time Schönwiese Mennonites would become more integrated (culturally, linguistically, economically) with the larger society around them than any other Russian Mennonite communities—because of Alexandrovsk (note 17).
---Arnold Neufeldt-Fast
Special thanks to Brent Wiebe, https://trailsofthepast.com/,
for sharing the historical maps.
Travel map: William Schroeder and Helmut T. Huebert, Mennonite
Historical Atlas (Winnipeg, MB: Springfield, 1990), 15, https://archive.org/details/MolotschnaHistoricalAtlasOCRopt/page/n17/mode/2up.
Note 1: Grigorii G. Pisarevskii, Izbrannye proizvedenija po
istorii inostrannoj kolonizacii v Rossii [Selected works on the history of
foreign colonization in Russia], edited by I.V. Cherkazyanova (Moscow: ICSU,
2011), 168, http://www.rusdeutsch.ru/biblio/files/417_biblio.pdf. See English
translation by Danila Sobchakov, edited by Glenn Penner: https://www.mharchives.ca/download/3422/.
On the initial visit and report back by the land scouts, Höppner and Bartsch,
see previous post: https://russianmennonites.blogspot.com/2023/01/invitation-to-russian-consulate-danzig.html.
Note 2: Peter Hildebrand, Erste Auswanderung der Mennoniten
aus dem Danziger Gebiet nach Südrußland (Halbstadt: P. Neufeld, 1888), 43, 46,
https://dlib.rsl.ru/viewer/01004497897; also David G. Rempel, “The Mennonite
Migration to New Russia (1787–1870): II. The Emigration to Russia,” Mennonite
Quarterly Review 9, no. 3 (July 1935), 109–128; idem, “The Mennonite Colonies
in New Russia. A study of their settlement and economic development from
1789–1914,” PhD dissertation, Stanford University, 1933, pp. 70ff., https://archive.org/details/themennonitecoloniesinnewrussiaastudyoftheirsettlementandeconomicdevelopmentfrom1789to1914ocr/page/n85/mode/2up;
Horst Quiring, "Die Auswanderung der Mennoniten aus Preussen 1788–1870,” Mennonite
Life 6, no. 2 (April 1951), 37–40, https://mla.bethelks.edu/mennonitelife/pre2000/1951apr.pdf.
Cf. also George K. Epp, Geschichte der Mennoniten in Rußland, vol. 1 (Lage:
Logos, 1997).
Note 3: Hermann G. Mannhardt, Die Danziger
Mennonitengemeinde. Ihre Entstehung und ihre Geschichte von 1569–1919 (Danzig,
1919), 129, https://archive.org/details/diedanzigermenno00mannuoft.
Note 4: Heinrich Heese, et al. “Das Chortitzer Mennonitengebiet 1848. Kurzgefasste geschichtliche Übersicht der Gründung und des Bestehens der Kolonien des Chortitzer Mennonitenbezirkes,” in: Margarete Woltner, ed., Die Gemeindeberichte von 1848 der deutschen Siedlungen am Schwarzen Meer (Leipzig: Hirzel, 1941), 1-27, https://www.osmikon.de/id/ostdok/BV014463862; also: https://media.chortitza.org/pdf/kb/woltner.pdf.
Note 5: Richard D, Thiessen, “Chortitza Mennonite Settlement
Census for May 1811,” Archives of Dnipropetrovsk Region (SADR), Fond 134, Opis
1, Delo 299, http://www.mennonitegenealogy.com/russia/Chortitza_Mennonite_Settlement_Census_May_1811.pdf.
Note 6: Cf. Hildebrand, Erste Auswanderung der
Mennoniten; also Benjamin H. Unruh, Niederländisch-niederdeutschen
Hintergründe der mennonitischen Ostwanderungen (Karlsruhe: Self-published, 1955), 205.
Note 7: Hildebrand, Erste Auswanderung der Mennoniten.
Note 8 / pic: [Google Translate from Ukrainian] Alexander
Vasiliev, “A day in history: September 5 (1770)—The founding of the city of
Alexandrovsk,” Ukraina.ru (September 5, 2019), https://translate.google.ca/translate?hl=en&sl=uk&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fukraina.ru%2Fhistory%2F20190905%2F1024863506.html;
also https://timenews.in.ua/447023/pavel-kravchuk-aleksandrovskij-forshtat-stal-embrionom-iz-kotorogo-razrossya-ves-gorod;
also https://timenews.in.ua/443521/v-zaporozhe-nashli-vozmozhnye-ostatki-aleksandrovskoj-kreposti.
Note 9: For a fascinating account of the region and its
peoples written in the 1680s, cf. Diary of General Patrick
Gordon of Auchleuchries, 1635–1699, volume IV: 1684–1689, edited by Dmitry
Fedosov (Aberdeen: Aberdeen University Press, 2015), https://aberdeenunipress.org/site/books/10.57132/book4/download/8873/.
Note 10: See previous post, https://russianmennonites.blogspot.com/2023/08/earthen-huts-semljanken-firstand-for.html.
Note 11: Heese, et al. “Das Chortitzer
Mennonitengebiet 1848."
Note 12: George K. Epp, Geschichte der Mennoniten in Rußland,
vol. 1 (Lage: Logos, 1997), 90f.; David G. Rempel (“The Mennonite Migration to
New Russia, 1787–1870 [part II],” Mennonite Quarterly Review 9, no. 3 [July
1935], 109–128; 112 n.13), suggests that it “is not improbable.”
Note 13: In Grigorii G. Pisarevskii, Izbrannye proizvedenija po istorii inostrannoj kolonizacii v Rossii [Selected works on the history of foreign colonization in Russia], edited by I.V. Cherkazyanova (Moscow: ICSU, 2011), 201, http://www.rusdeutsch.ru/biblio/files/417_biblio.pdf; English translation: https://www.mharchives.ca/download/3422/. Cf. also Epp, Geschichte der Mennoniten in Rußland I, 93.
Note 14: Gerhard G. Klassen, “Ereignisse aus dem 17. [sic]
Jahrhundert.” Botschafter 9, no. 17 (February 28 [March 13], 1914), 2, https://media.chortitza.org/pdf/Pis/B14-17.pdf.
Note 15: Klassen, “Ereignisse aus dem 17. [sic]
Jahrhundert.” For more early stories, see David Epp, Die Chortitzer Mennoniten.
Versuch einer Darstellung des Entwicklungsganges derselben (Odessa, 1889), https://media.chortitza.org/pdf/Dok/Epp.pdf.
Note 16: Detlef Brandes, “German Colonists in Southern
Ukraine up to the Repeal of the Colonial Statute,” in German-Ukrainian
Relations in Historical Perspective, edited by H.-J. Torke and J.-P. Himka,
10–28 (Edmonton: Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies Press, 1994), 11f., https://archive.org/details/germanukrainianr0000unse/page/10/mode/2up.
Note 17: Memoirs of the Life and Gospel Labours of Stephen Grellet, vol. 1 (Philadelphia: Longstreth, 1867), 453, https://books.google.ca/books?id=ErsRqec-8DYC&vq=temptations&pg=PA453#v=snippet&q=temptations&f=false.
To cite this page: Arnold Neufeldt-Fast, "Fortress Alexandrovsk and the first Mennonites in New Russia," History of the Russian Mennonites (blog), November 18, 2023, https://russianmennonites.blogspot.com/2023/11/fortress-alexandrovsk-and-first.html.
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